Welcome to the April 2023 edition of the Total Livestock Genetics dairy sire directory…
The commitment of the TLG team is to provide a world class selection of bulls for all types of farming enterprises, using a combination of the Australian ABVs and US breeding values. These bulls are sourced from Australian dairy herds, and we provide the best in Australian genetics at an affordable price.
We are confident that this catalogue is our best yet. Emu Banks RIZBOY, at $551 BPI, 109 Overall Type and 106 Mammary is clearly a standout sire that excels across all management traits. Place your order today to avoid disappointment.
The NHIA semen market survey reported a 29% increase year on year of Sexed semen sold into the national dairy herd in 2022. With the only Australian sexing laboratory located on our Camperdown quarantine centre, Total Livestock Genetics is well positioned to service your sexed semen requirements in either Frozen or Fresh.
Total Livestock Genetics is committed to the sustainability of livestock agriculture through the provision of trusted genetics, products, and services.
For a complete update on all the TLG Current Bull Team, please DOWNLOAD BY CLICKING HERE or contact TLG Sales Manager Darren Fletcher on 0447 441 422 or sales@tlg.com.au