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TLG April Sire Directory OUT NOW

Welcome to the April 2023 edition of the Total Livestock Genetics dairy sire directory… The commitment of the TLG team is to provide a world class selection of bulls for all types of farming enterprises, using a combination of the Australian ABVs and US breeding...

Stud Handler Position Vacant

  Total Livestock Genetics Victoria (TLGV) has a permanent full time vacancy in its bull collection team. The successful applicant will be required to assist with the collection of genetic material from bulls in a quarantine environment across both its semen...

TLG New Release Summer Update OUT NOW

We are pleased to present our Summer Update. The entire team at TLG are pleased to offer an update on the new group of sires that have been selected and are currently in the process of coming onto our collection centre in the coming weeks. We are excited to present...

TLG New August 2022 Sire Update OUT NOW

We are pleased to present the August 2022 Sire Update. Here at TLG we are committed to supplying Australian bred genetics with world class quality to the dairy industry.  We encourage you to take the time to browse our latest and current bulls on offer.  We...